Thursday, September 29, 2005

Flush your damn toilets!!

I walk into the bathroom…and half the stalls have human waste in them. Why, oh why, can't people flush their crap down the toilets they use? Is it so hard? Hell, even if the automatic feature doesn't work, push the button or pull the lever!! What sort of mentality does a person need to not flush their toilet? "Oh…darn. The auto-flush isn't working…someone else can flush my #$%* down the toilet for me". Uh, no. You ate food…and the waste from that food makes the crap you dispense in the toilet, meaning it is your responsibility to deal with it. In short…YOU FLUSH YOUR OWN CRAP!!


Blogger Omar (aka O-Dogg) said...

Lol, much appreciated...but I disassociate myself with people who can't flush their own crap... :-p

11:23 AM, October 11, 2005  

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