Tuesday, November 01, 2005

"Paheli" Impressions...

To satisfy my curiousity (and my brother), I'm watching the movie, "Paheli". Now, if you know anything about Indian movies, they are long…really long. I think they average around 3 hours, complete with intermissions. So this one we're watching over the next few nights, an hour at a time. So far, I like it. It's different. Yeah, there's a love triangle (a highly consistent theme with Bollywood flicks), but it's handled a bit differently than most. It's rather charming actually. Colors are bright and vivid, the actors are doing well (as much as I'm sick of seeing Shah Rukh Khan…he does well), and the songs are pretty good. It's pretty funny too. So far so good. I'll post a full review later…maybe.

In other news, Bush nominates conservative justice Samuel Alito to replace swing vote O'Connor (sooner than I thought, but I guess he wants to rebound after last week). He'll probably get confirmed. Bengals go 6-2 by beating Green Bay (idiotic fan disrupts GB's momentum, kinda sealing the deal). Brett Farve, as much as I love the guy, needs to probably retire. That man has taken more punishment than I care to remember. The Texans win one! Rosa Parks is honored at the Capitol over the weekend. More to come later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You watched the movie over a few nights?? WHAT?! Well, at least you watched it. You should've been curious because dad watched it and actually stayed awake throught the entire thing, and we watched it in one night (before Ramadan).

Post a complete review later! I want to know what you really thought, in full glory!
Oh yeah, another thing...HI BAYA!!!

4:33 PM, November 02, 2005  

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