Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Change of pace?

Ariel Sharon was once a fierce opponent of the Palestinian Authority, hawkish in his methods to basically remove them from the Palestine/Israel region. But over the past couple of years, the Israeli Prime Minister has displayed a rather prominent turn-about. A man that, at one time, supported the establishments of Jewish settlements in Gaza, had them removed over the summer. Now, he's leaving his Likud party in efforts to form a more centrist party focused on the peace process.

I must say that I'm impressed. A man once hated by much of the Muslim world now seems to genuinely want peace. He's not making very many friends in Israeli politics or communities, but hey, it's a sound tradeoff I think. You can either keep your pride and ride out more years of war and hatred, or you can suck it up a bit and work towards generating a peace so current and future generations don't have to kill each other…

Take your pick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In general, democratic institutions do the best under centrist leadership. Those representing the far left and right are too polarizing to get anything done. I think we can see this somewhat in US politics today. The GOP has squandered a golden opportunity by catering to special interest and the religious right fringe.

11:45 PM, November 22, 2005  
Blogger Omar (aka O-Dogg) said...

I'd have to say that at the same time, the Democrats have also failed to capitalize on the GOP squanderings. Instead they seem to bicker amongst themselves and, likewise, get very little done.

Right now, it's a no-win situation. Back to Israel/Palestine, if Abbas can get his crap together, there's a chance of progress.

9:30 AM, November 23, 2005  

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