Thursday, January 19, 2006

Congress for sale?

Apparently, the whole Jack Abramoff scandal has the Democrats up in arms. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) introduced the "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act" to try and stem the flow of lobbyist money pouring into Congress. Democrats lined up to sign on and show support for the bill. It would ban such things as privately funded trips and increase the "cool off" period for lobbying from one year to two. It also does away with lobbyists being able to give anything to Congress members, including free meal tickets. The Republicans have come up with their own measure, but it is less stringent. For example. The meal limit would be reduced from $50 to $20.

Watchgroups say that these proposals won't do much. Much of what is being presented is already there, but not being enforced. Neither the House or Senate ethics committees have taken action on the Abramoff scandal.

A valiant effort by the Democrats? Not really. It all seems well-intentioned, but when you dig a little deeper, there were Democrats that benefited from the Abramoff scandal. Though many claim to have given the money back, they still took part. This will turn out to be nothing more than showboating by both parties. The Dems are basically saying, "Hey! America! They're the bad guys! Look at what we're trying to do!". A lot of the proposals in the bill are a bit ridiculous. Wining and dining is almost key to lobbying, just as it is in any situation when you have to appeal to clients. Things such as houses, trips, boats, etc…those don't seem very necessary as part of the lobbying effort. This bill, if passed, could come back to haunt any of those shady Dems hanging out in the know they exist...the Democratic party isn't exactly made up of saints.

John McCain (R-AZ) hopes for a bipartisan solution, which, if this is to be productive, should be the case. Or maybe we can go another route and have a nonpartisan solution for a change…would be nice.


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