There is no honor in this...
"Honor" killings in Pakistan have become a serious human rights issue over the past year. The most recent headlining tragedy comes from the Punjab province, in the village of Gago Mandi. Nazir Ahmed, the bastard in the picture, slit the throats of his three young daughters and their 25-year old stepdaughter, Muqadas. He claims that he was protecting his family's honor by eliminating them. Supposedly, his step-daughter committed adultery, which was yet to be proven. Nazir's wife, Bibi, was forced to watch as he slit the throat of their stepdaughter, then proceeded to kill their 3 younger daugthers as well, ages eight, seven, and four. His reason for killing the children was to prevent them from doing the same when they'd grow up…
Muqadas's husband made the adultery claim, although human rights groups say that she fled her husband because of abuse and that he forced her to work in a brick-making factory. Nazir said his only regret was that he couldn't kill the man the affair was with…
Police rarely intervene in such matters, calling them family disputes…
People are dying. Needlessly. Violently. The Pakistani government needs to wake up. President Musharraf, for all he's done for the country, needs to deal with this major issue plaguing Pakistani women. Politically, this is something that will haunt him if he doesn't do something about it. Plus, it's the right thing to do. Passing incidents like this off as family disputes doesn't justify the fact that the bastard killed four people, 3 of which weren't even the age of 10. He'll (hopefully) go to jail and his wife is left with their 3-month old son to fend for herself. Hopefully she has sane family members to help her out.
He killed the stepdaughter on pretense…no proof. Regardless, proof wouldn't justify the killing either. The sad thing is that men get away with this kind of behavior all too often in Pakistan. The police don't intervene. The government doesn't do anything…it's a man's world unfortunately. The younger girls…he said he didn't want them to do the same when they'd grow up…they don't have that chance to grow up anymore. They're gone, hopefully to a place this asshole won't ever reach.
Thank you for writing about such a subject. Crimes against women are often the last crimes to see justice and in societies where women have little power, it is imperative that men give voice to their serious objections of the status quo.
I'm of Pakistani origin, so these kinds of stories tend to hit home. It hurts when you want to say you're proud to be Pakistani, but then this happens...what do you say then?
Pakistani men need to take note and yes, speak up against this atrocity.
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