Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It's $%^! like this...

Apparently Egypt is having some issues with their election process…2 people killed, 130 people injured and 80 arrested across 4 provinces. It's a mix of all sorts of nonsense. Government supporters are being brought in by bus to vote for government candidates. They're also attacking voters in line at polling stations, duking it out with supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood…the main opposition. Brotherhood supporters are blockading polling stations, causing clashes with police…there are rumors of ballot tampering, etc.

It's [insert explitive] like this that gives the rest of the world impressions about people in this region of the world. It doesn't help at all. It's almost barbaric in the sense that the simplest right to vote is being trampled out and people have died because others just will not let it naturally happen. It's a sad state of affairs that really dwindles the chances of peace in the Middle East. Maybe once the region pulls its head out of its ass, there can be a chance. As much as it blames the rest of the world for its misfortunes…the region is just as accountable...


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