Xbox 360 or bust?
Microsoft's gaming behemoth came out yesterday, getting the early jump on the next round of the console wars. Sony's Playstation 3 and Nintendo's Revolution are scheduled to debut next year. The X360 boasts more powerful hardward than its predecessor, wireless controllers, limited backwards compatability, and aims to serve as a multimedia center for your household. It'll play DVDs, mp3s, store photos, instant message, get you on to Xbox Live (Microsoft's online service for the machine), and a host of other things. All for the price of $299 for the core bundle (system and controller basically) or $399 for the premium package (system, controller, headset, harddrive, and I think some
faceplates). The starting line up includes about 20 games. In the shooter category, we have Perfect Dark Zero and Call of Duty 2. For sports, we'll see the latest Madden, NBA and FIFA games (and maybe one or two more). Racing games include Project Gotham Racing 3, Ridge Racer 6, and Need for Speed Underground 2. And then there's Dead or Alive 4, Kameo 2, and some others to round out the opening lineup.
Is it worth $300-$400 plus? In my opinion, no. Not yet, anyway. I'm in the category of gamer that is getting tired of the same old stuff, over and over again. We're essentially paying for the same games with better graphics. I can now see the sweat pouring off of Donovan McNabb's face in Madden…oooh. Are you kidding me? Yes, in the last generation of console wars, I happily picked up a Gamecube (and later an Xbox) for the lastest graphics on the same ol' games. After awhile…it got old, fast. I basically stuck to the multiplayer games because at least I could let my brain rot with company.
Now…I'm an avid fan of Nintendo. Always have been. Love the games and gameplay designs they come up with…but even they are becoming repetitive. But wait! What's this I hear about a new console coming out next year that'll change the way we play video games?! Hark! It's the Nintendo Revolution! And let us all pray that it doesn't suck.
Why is Dance Dance Revolution so popular? Because everyone and anyone can jump onto the pad and play it. Why did my mom play Duck Hunt? Because it was a simple matter of picking up the light gun, taking aim and firing. Why doesn't she play Halo or Smash Brothers? Because the controls are so intimidating. Why is every FPS coming out becoming a drag? Because you've played them all the same way. New guns and prettier graphics only go so far. But a new control scheme could change what we know about video games.
I'm waiting for the Revolution because of this. It may not sport the prettiest graphics, but just looking at the controller alone warrants enough curiousity. It'll generate new gameplay on the games you've loved to play and new game styles that you've never even considered. It will be truly backwards compatible with a library of 4 generations of titles played on the various Nintendo home systems. It will be online. And it'll be cheaper than both the X360 and the PS3. Third-party developers are already salivating at the ideas the new control scheme can bring (if you don't know what it is, click here), which will definetly help. Rumor is the system may even support the highly-touted Unreal 3 engine for graphics, something the Xbox360 and PS3 have promoted considerably. So it may not be as wimpy as it seems.
To hold myself over, I think I'm going to treat myself to a Nintendo DS and hit the racetracks with Mario Kart DS. Supposedly it'll be $99 at Target in December. The Revolution is coming…and it's gonna rock!!
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